Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Back in the (CIM) Groove + Other Stuff.

I've noted before that back in the day (a few years ago), I ran with a group of runners in Tucson, AZ.  We called ourselves the Interloopers and I was, at that time, pretty fit...I mean for an aging runner who probably isn't as "committed" to running as I once was.  But then again, that's why I liked (and still like) the iLoopers.  They are all very good runners but have the audacity to talk about sh*t other than just running while, well, running.  So I got this idea that I'd give myself some self-motivation if I created my own informal running group.  So I did.  I call it "The Flatlanders" because I live in the flatlands of Davis, CA (see prior posts decrying the absence of bumps in this here town).  I even made a facebook page for it.  You can find it here.  http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Flatlanders/103904643024163

I observed I have three "fans" of this facebook page and that excited me.  And then I realized that the three fans consist of me, my wife, and my son.  But then again, that is ok.  That's not the point.

I've been in search of a running group in Davis, CA that could remotely mimic the Interloopers and I discovered that The Flatlanders is the perfect group.  I mean, if one wants a dysfunctional running group, how more dysfunctional can a group get than having a membership of exactly 1 person?  So it actually all works out well.  (But I'd appreciate others).

Saying that, I have a plan.  Or rather a goal, however elusive.  I want to run under 3 hours for a marathon.  That is essentially 6:51 mpm for 26.2.  I'm pretty sure that if suitably motivated, I could do it.  The issue is the intersection of "suitably" and "motivated."

iLoopers at Napa Valley Marathon (I'm the *large* one)
Fortunately for me, I've enlisted the assistance of Manny, the founder of the iLoopers, to serve as "coach" for this worthy goal.  If you look at the picture to the right, you'll see some iLoopers who jetted in for the Napa Valley Marathon.  Three of them went sub-3.  The rest, on a good-conditions day would have gone sub-3.  Me, well, I'm the *large* one in yellow.  But Manny is the fellow to the right of me in the pic.  (L-R: Steve, Joel, Autumn, Pete, me, Manny, Ken).

Anyhow, my goal is to follow Manny's "teachings" for the next 36 weeks (of course, unfortunately, I've already not totally followed directions).

But here is what the next 3 weeks look like for me (cut and pasted from an email from Dr. K).  

Brad here my schedule starting on monday
the gym sessions may be days off if i feel tired
LT pace is your pace for a 15k -1/2 marathon (~20 sec lower than MP)

7 mi w/8x100(100) @23
6 mi w/4x600(400) @2:18
9mi w/6400@LT pace 
Gym +5mi easy
12 (MP+1min)
5 easy  WEEK=44

7 mi w/6x200(200) @43
Gym +5mi easy
7 mi w/6x400(400) @90
9mi w/2x3200@LT pace (90 sec)
Gym +5mi easy
12 (MP+1min)
5 easy  WEEK=50

7 mi w/10x100(100) @22
Gym +5mi easy
7 mi w/4x800(400) @3:08
9mi w/6400@LT pace 
Gym +5mi easy
13 (MP+1min)
5 easy  WEEK=51
For me, "gym" will mean 15 mins of yoga in the morning.  Yes, I do that.  It seems to work well.  
......soooooooo, if you are a Flatlander in waiting, this is what my next 3 weeks looky like.  
That's all I got.  

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